الاجابة الفلسفية التفصيلية على التمرين رقم 6 في Unit 4 Success stories لكتاب الأنشطة للتوجيهي الأردني

Do you agree with Ibn Sina’s quote?

نقدم لكم الاجابة الفلسفية التفصيلية على Ibn Sina’s quote التمرين رقم 6 في Unit 4 Success stories لكتاب الأنشطة للتوجيهي الأردني.

I prefer a short life with width to a narrow one with length.’ Do you agree with Ibn Sina’s (Avicenna) quote? Why/Why not? Try to use cleft sentences with defi ning and non-defi ning relative clauses in your answer

الاجابة الفلسفية التفصيلية على Ibn Sina’s quote :

Ibn Sina’s quote, “I prefer a short life with width to a narrow one with length,” can be interpreted in various ways, and whether I agree with it or not depends on how we understand the terms “width” and “length” in this context.

Defining relative clause: The life that has width

If we define “width” as having a rich and diverse range of experiences, connections, and personal growth within a shorter span of time, then I would agree with Ibn Sina’s quote. A defining relative clause helps to clarify this idea by specifying the characteristics of the life being discussed.

For example, “The life that has width, which encompasses diverse experiences, meaningful relationships, and personal growth, is one I prefer.”

In this interpretation, Ibn Sina emphasizes the significance of quality over quantity. He suggests that a life filled with varied experiences, deep connections, and personal development can be more fulfilling and meaningful, even if it is shorter in duration. This perspective values the depth and richness of experiences rather than the sheer length of time lived.

اقرأ ايضا:
كيفية كتابة موضوع تعبير بالانجليزي للتوجيهي الأردني
الاجابة على اقتباس جبران خليل جبران Page 67, Unit Nine

Non-defining relative clause: A narrow life, which has length

On the other hand, if we interpret “length” as an extended period of time spent in a monotonous or unfulfilling existence, then I would disagree with Ibn Sina’s quote. A non-defining relative clause can be used to provide additional information about the life referred to as “narrow.”

For instance, “A narrow life, which has length but lacks diversity, meaningful relationships, and personal growth, is not something I prefer.”

In this interpretation, Ibn Sina (Avicenna) suggests that a long but monotonous or stagnant life, devoid of varied experiences and personal growth, is not desirable. This perspective implies that the mere passage of time without meaningful experiences or personal development does not contribute to a fulfilling life.

Ultimately, whether or not I agree with Ibn Sina’s quote depends on the specific meanings attributed to “width” and “length” in the context of one’s personal values and aspirations.

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