امتحان محوسب اللغة الإنجليزية 2004 الفروع الأكاديمية

امتحان وزاري الدورة الصيفية 2022

يقدم لكم JoQuiz امتحان محوسب في اللغة الإنجليزية 2004 / 2022 الفروع الأكاديمية الكتروني بالكامل؛ توجيهي وزاري.


اللغة الإنجليزية الفروع الأكاديمية 2022 نظامي

امتحان English محوسب - الدورة الصيفية 2004

1 / 30


When you research information, make sure that you use only very .......... sources.

2 / 30


 .......... is the business of housing, serving and maintaining files for one or more websites.

3 / 30


The ....... figures show that Jordan's healthcare system is successful.

4 / 30


Elderly people often suffer from ............., which is difficult to treat.

5 / 30


Slow breathing allows for full ............. of the lungs.

6 / 30


 Amer was ........... much more successful than his older brother.

7 / 30


Do you have a music lesson this weekend? The [bolded] word can be replaced by ..........

8 / 30


The new chairman appears to be trying to assure his ............ with a set of changes.

9 / 30


Rashed has just left the school. Now he's a university ...........

10 / 30


Do you know what research ............ in medicine at the moment?

11 / 30


People have been using smartphones since they ............ in the early 2000s.

12 / 30


 Fatima Khaled, Arabic teacher at my secondary school.

In a curriculum vitae, the above given information about Fatima represents one of the following headings:

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During the previous decade, computer companies ............. tablets in different shapes.

14 / 30


By 2023CE, they ............ the new electric motorway in my town.

15 / 30


The salesman said that ............. sold items in his shop were chocolate and chips.

16 / 30


This time next year, they ............ for their graduation project.

17 / 30


When Maysoon was a student, she ............. very hard in her summer vacations.

18 / 30


Yahya doesn't like running ............. he likes swimming.

19 / 30


Could you tell me ............ revise for the exam, please?

20 / 30


We ............ to only use a small percentage of our brain power.

21 / 30


We will go to our favourite park on Friday ............ it is closed.

22 / 30


I wouldn't have gone to my friend's party if he .............. me.

23 / 30


"I chose different colours to paint my bedroom last week."

The correct reported speech form of the above sentence is ..................

24 / 30


It is normal for my children now to share their staff with other students.

The sentence which has a similar meaning to the one above is ...............

25 / 30


Neither Physics nor Chemistry is as interesting as Maths.

The sentence which has a similar meaning to the one above is...........

26 / 30


Experts have proved that enough amount of water is good for the immune system.

The sentence which has a similar meaning to the one above is .............

27 / 30


I had a headache yesterday, and I didn't do well in the driving test.

The sentence which has a similar meaning to the one above is ................

28 / 30


The aim of this report is to provide information concerning participation in the arts in London, England.

The above sentence in a report represents one of the following:

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Health conditions in Jordan are among the best in the Middle East. This is largely ............ the country's commitment to making healthcare for all a top priority.

30 / 30


If I were you ......... I would employ someone who is keen or someone who is ................

Your score is


كيفية كتابة موضوع تعبير باللغة العربية للتوجيهي الأردني + مواضيع تعبير جاهزة”مقالة,قصة,رسالة”


امتحان الكتروني في اللغة الإنجليزية 2004 للطلبة النظاميون الفروع الأكاديمية

تم اعداد هذا الامتحان الالكتروني لقياس مدى استعدادكم للامتحان الوزاري القادم في مادة اللغة الإنجليزية.
يتكون الامتحان الوزاري من 30 سؤالًا, من نوع أسئلة الاختيار المتعدد (ضع دائرة).


ولهذا كل ما عليك فعله هو البدء بالاختبار عبر الضغط على زر “ابدأ الاختبار”.

ثم قراءة الأسئلة المقترحة واختيار الإجابة التي تعتقد أنها صحيحة.

ونتيجة لذلك سوف تظهر للطالب العلامة من 100 درجة في نهاية الامتحان الإلكتروني “المحوسب”، ونتيجته إذا اجتاز الاختبار أو لم يجتزه، مع كامل إجابات الأسئلة الصحيحة والخاطئة.

JoQuiz يتمنى للجميع التوفيق في الامتحان القادم.

امتحان الكتروني في الأوراق النقاشية

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