امتحان مراجعة الوحدة 6 – Revision (Workbook 10 & 11) – اللغة الإنجليزية 11th

بنك أسئلة موضوعية / English / الصف الحادي عشر

سلسلة بنك أسئلة اللغة الإنجليزية بحسب الدرس للصف الحادي عشر
(Revision (Workbook 10 & 11))
مكثف أسئلة محوسبة ✅ 🇯🇴 بحسب نظام التوجيهي الجديد


امتحان المراجعة 🇬🇧 الوحدة السادسة (11 & 10 Workbook)


1 / 41


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

 Comfortable, .............. room for rent in shared house with storage.

2 / 41


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

Can you .............. this light bulb, please? This one’s stopped working.

3 / 41


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

You need a .............. to sweep up that shattered glass.

4 / 41


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

 Oh no! There’s a .............. on the new carpet. I hope I can remove it.

5 / 41


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

 All the leads behind the TV are .............. .

6 / 41


Replace the object with a pronoun. Change the word order where necessary.

 I’ll wipe down the table.

7 / 41


Replace the object with a pronoun. Change the word order where necessary.

 We’re doing up the kitchen.

8 / 41


Replace the object with a pronoun. Change the word order where necessary.

 I came across this ring when I was vacuuming.

9 / 41


Replace the object with a pronoun. Change the word order where necessary.

 Get rid of these empty bottles, please.

10 / 41


Replace the object with a pronoun. Change the word order where necessary.

 Can you pick up the fork, please?

11 / 41


Replace the object with a pronoun. Change the word order where necessary.

 They can’t deal with stress.

12 / 41


Replace the object with a pronoun. Change the word order where necessary.

 You need to mop up that water

13 / 41


Choose two correct options to complete the sentences.

 We .............. call the plumber. I can’t fix this leaking pipe myself.

14 / 41


Choose two correct options to complete the sentences.

 Luckily, I .............. make new friends quickly at university.

15 / 41


Choose two correct options to complete the sentences.

 You .............. repair the flat tyre today. We can do it tomorrow.

16 / 41


Choose two correct options to complete the sentences.

 The shop .............. remove the scratches from your smartphone screen free of charge, but you can ask.

17 / 41


Choose two correct options to complete the sentences.

 You are .............. work unless you have a visa.

18 / 41


Choose two correct options to complete the sentences.

 People driving a car .............. carry a driving licence.

19 / 41


Complete the text with ø (no article), a/an or the.
أجب على الفراغ 1
pshots of My Life

Although some people in 1.............. Jordan live in flats, 2..............  lot of people prefer houses. They tend to be more spacious and often have 3.............. garden. My uncle and aunt live in 4.............. small house in 5.............. country.

20 / 41


Complete the text with ø (no article), a/an or the.
أجب على الفراغ 2
pshots of My Life

Although some people in 1.............. Jordan live in flats, 2..............  lot of people prefer houses. They tend to be more spacious and often have 3.............. garden. My uncle and aunt live in 4.............. small house in 5.............. country.

21 / 41


Complete the text with ø (no article), a/an or the.
أجب على الفراغ 3
pshots of My Life

Although some people in 1.............. Jordan live in flats, 2..............  lot of people prefer houses. They tend to be more spacious and often have 3.............. garden. My uncle and aunt live in 4.............. small house in 5.............. country.

22 / 41


Complete the text with ø (no article), a/an or the.
أجب على الفراغ 4
pshots of My Life

Although some people in 1.............. Jordan live in flats, 2..............  lot of people prefer houses. They tend to be more spacious and often have 3.............. garden. My uncle and aunt live in 4.............. small house in 5.............. country.

23 / 41


Complete the text with ø (no article), a/an or the.
أجب على الفراغ 5
pshots of My Life

Although some people in 1.............. Jordan live in flats, 2..............  lot of people prefer houses. They tend to be more spacious and often have 3.............. garden. My uncle and aunt live in 4.............. small house in 5.............. country.

24 / 41


Complete the text with ø (no article), a/an or the.
أجب على الفراغ 6
pshots of My Life

The view from 6.............. top of 7.............. nearby cliffs over 8.............. sea is 9.............. most amazing one I have ever seen! I’ve been to visit them four or five times 10.............. year ever since I can remember and we often drive to 11.............. mountains and go hiking. Now that I’m at 12.............. college, I can’t visit so often.

25 / 41


Complete the text with ø (no article), a/an or the.
أجب على الفراغ 7
pshots of My Life

The view from 6.............. top of 7.............. nearby cliffs over 8.............. sea is 9.............. most amazing one I have ever seen! I’ve been to visit them four or five times 10.............. year ever since I can remember and we often drive to 11.............. mountains and go hiking. Now that I’m at 12.............. college, I can’t visit so often.

26 / 41


Complete the text with ø (no article), a/an or the.
أجب على الفراغ 8
pshots of My Life

The view from 6.............. top of 7.............. nearby cliffs over 8.............. sea is 9.............. most amazing one I have ever seen! I’ve been to visit them four or five times 10.............. year ever since I can remember and we often drive to 11.............. mountains and go hiking. Now that I’m at 12.............. college, I can’t visit so often.

27 / 41


Complete the text with ø (no article), a/an or the.
أجب على الفراغ 9
pshots of My Life

The view from 6.............. top of 7.............. nearby cliffs over 8.............. sea is 9.............. most amazing one I have ever seen! I’ve been to visit them four or five times 10.............. year ever since I can remember and we often drive to 11.............. mountains and go hiking. Now that I’m at 12.............. college, I can’t visit so often.

28 / 41


Complete the text with ø (no article), a/an or the.
أجب على الفراغ 10
pshots of My Life

The view from 6.............. top of 7.............. nearby cliffs over 8.............. sea is 9.............. most amazing one I have ever seen! I’ve been to visit them four or five times 10.............. year ever since I can remember and we often drive to 11.............. mountains and go hiking. Now that I’m at 12.............. college, I can’t visit so often.

29 / 41


Complete the text with ø (no article), a/an or the.
أجب على الفراغ 11
pshots of My Life

The view from 6.............. top of 7.............. nearby cliffs over 8.............. sea is 9.............. most amazing one I have ever seen! I’ve been to visit them four or five times 10.............. year ever since I can remember and we often drive to 11.............. mountains and go hiking. Now that I’m at 12.............. college, I can’t visit so often.

30 / 41


Complete the text with ø (no article), a/an or the.
أجب على الفراغ 12
pshots of My Life

The view from 6.............. top of 7.............. nearby cliffs over 8.............. sea is 9.............. most amazing one I have ever seen! I’ve been to visit them four or five times 10.............. year ever since I can remember and we often drive to 11.............. mountains and go hiking. Now that I’m at 12.............. college, I can’t visit so often.

31 / 41


Complete the text with ø (no article), a/an or the.
أجب على الفراغ 13
pshots of My Life

Next year, I’m going to study in 13.............. USA at 14.............. Washington University, and after that I want to travel round 15.............. South America. But I know I’ll always come and visit my aunt and uncle in their beautiful home near the sea.

32 / 41


Complete the text with ø (no article), a/an or the.
أجب على الفراغ 14
pshots of My Life

Next year, I’m going to study in 13.............. USA at 14.............. Washington University, and after that I want to travel round 15.............. South America. But I know I’ll always come and visit my aunt and uncle in their beautiful home near the sea.

33 / 41


Complete the text with ø (no article), a/an or the.
أجب على الفراغ 15
pshots of My Life

Next year, I’m going to study in 13.............. USA at 14.............. Washington University, and after that I want to travel round 15.............. South America. But I know I’ll always come and visit my aunt and uncle in their beautiful home near the sea.

34 / 41


Complete the second sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the first one. Use no more than five words, including the word in bold.
STRATEGY |Transformations - Do not change the key word. Remember that there is a word limit so always check the number of words.

● It’s a lot colder in England in winter than in Jordan. SIGNIFICANTLY
● ........................ in winter than it is in Jordan.

35 / 41


Complete the second sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the first one. Use no more than five words, including the word in bold.
STRATEGY |Transformations - Do not change the key word. Remember that there is a word limit so always check the number of words.

  • I managed to find somewhere to study German as soon as I arrived. ABLE
    ● ........................ somewhere to study German as soon as I arrived.

36 / 41


Complete the second sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the first one. Use no more than five words, including the word in bold.
STRATEGY |Transformations - Do not change the key word. Remember that there is a word limit so always check the number of words.

  • You’re allowed to ride a bike on local roads. PERMITTED
    ● Bike riders ........................ on local roads.

37 / 41


Complete the second sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the first one. Use no more than five words, including the word in bold.
STRATEGY |Transformations - Do not change the key word. Remember that there is a word limit so always check the number of words.

  • In Spain, you should eat an orange with a knife and fork. SUPPOSED
    ● In Spain, ........................ an orange with a knife and fork.

38 / 41


Complete the second sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the first one. Use no more than five words, including the word in bold.
STRATEGY |Transformations - Do not change the key word. Remember that there is a word limit so always check the number of words.

  • I think Maths is slightly more di cult than Physics. MARGINALLY
    ● I think Physics ........................ .

39 / 41


Complete the second sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the first one. Use no more than five words, including the word in bold.
STRATEGY |Transformations - Do not change the key word. Remember that there is a word limit so always check the number of words.

  • How many bags can I take on the plane? ALLOWED
    ● How many bags ........................ on the plane?

40 / 41


Complete the second sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the first one. Use no more than five words, including the word in bold.
STRATEGY |Transformations - Do not change the key word. Remember that there is a word limit so always check the number of words.

  • I was able to pick up the language quickly. SUCCEEDED
    ● ........................ the language quickly.

41 / 41


Complete the second sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the first one. Use no more than five words, including the word in bold.
STRATEGY |Transformations - Do not change the key word. Remember that there is a word limit so always check the number of words.

  • In the UK, it isn’t necessary to carry an ID card. REQUIRED
    ● You ........................ an ID card in the UK.

Your score is


🔊 إجابات السؤال السادس في كتاب التمارين
1- third culture kids
2- travel the world
3- Arabic and English
4- (having a) routine
5- a year’s time

يُقدم لكم موقع جوكويز امتحان إلكتروني لأسئلة كتاب اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الحادي عشر / الفصل الثاني / الوحدة السادسة / Revision / توجيهي 2008- 2009 وما بعده (المنهاج الجديد) .

حل أسئلة Revision (Workbook 10 & 11)

تم إعداد هذا الامتحان المحوسب لقياس مدى استعدادكم للامتحان الوزاري القادم في مادة اللغة الإنجليزية.
يتكون الامتحان التجريبي المقترح من 41 سؤال, حيث تغطي هذه الأسئلة المحوسبة مراجعة الوحدة السادسة الفصل الثاني من المنهاج الجديد للصف الحادي عشر. وهي تشمل أسئلة كتاب الإنجليزي “Workbook”, بنمط الأسئلة الموضوعية.

كيف تبدأ في هذا الكويز؟

  1. البدء بالاختبار عبر الضغط على زر “ابدأ الاختبار”.
  2. قراءة الأسئلة المقترحة واختيار الإجابة التي تعتقد أنها صحيحة.
  3. نتيجة لذلك سوف تظهر للطالب العلامة من 100 درجة في نهاية امتحان اللغة الإنجليزية الإلكتروني “المحوسب”، ونتيجته إذا اجتاز الاختبار أو لم يجتزه، مع كامل إجابات الأسئلة الصحيحة والخاطئة.
  4. مراجعة الأخطاء, وإعادة التركيز على نقاط الضعف التي ظهرت.

ولهذا النوع من الاختبارات ميزة كبيرة, إذ انها توفر على طلبة التوجيهي الجديد الاستعانة بأسئلة pdf من خارج المادة أو الدوسيات الورقية أو البحث عن بنك أسئلة اللغة الإنجليزية بدون اجابات أو أي من تلك الطرق القديمة والعقيمة؛

لذلك قمنا بإعداد هذه الأسئلة بناءً على أسئلة كتاب اللغة الإنجليزية “كتاب التمارين وكتاب الطالب” وإجاباتها النموذجية وقسمناها بحسب المعاني والمواضيع والقواعد والتمارين لتسهيل عملية المراجعة لجميع طلبة التوجيهي.

وبناءً عليه, تم إعداد هذا الامتحان الإلكتروني وفقًا للمنهاج الدراسي الجديد في المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية لمادة اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الحادي عشر المسار الأكاديمي.

بخلاف ذلك لا يطلب من طالب الثانوية العامة (النظام الجديد) إلا مراجعة الكتاب بالإضافة إلى هذه الأسئلة التي غَطت كامل الدرس, لأن المراجعة الفعالة مع تكرار حل هذه الأسئلة يَحول دون نسيانه أي معلومة.

جو كويز يتمنى للجميع التوفيق في الامتحان القادم.

امتحان محوسب في اللغة الإنجليزية 11th – ف2 – الوحدة السابعة – LESSON 1B

أسئلة اختيار متعدد للمُستوى الوزاري النظام الجديد

إعداد وتدقيق نخبة من المعلمين في مادة اللغة الإنجليزية (حصريًا لِـصالح جوكويز)

المَصادر: كتاب اللغة الإنجليزية الجديد الصف الحادي عشر لجيل 2008 – 2009 وما بعده “Jordan High Note – Student’s Book & Workbook – Pearson” / المركز الوطني لتطوير المناهج PDF

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