معاني الوحدة الثالثة انجليزي انجليزي عربي للتوجيهي – امتحان محوسب

معاني الفصل الأول لجيل 2006 و 2007

يقدم لكم موقع جوكويز امتحانين محوسبين في معاني الوحدة الثالثة انجليزي انجليزي عربي للتوجيهي الأردني؛
امتحان English English ☑️ وامتحان عربي English ✅ .
Unit 3: Medical advances


( Meanings of Unit 3: ( English - English

معاني الوحدة الثالثة

1 / 25


A job undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress:

2 / 25


something that has or can cause cancer. a very serious disease in which cells in the body begin to grow abnormally:

3 / 25


a medicine or a substance used for making medicines:

4 / 25


(Magnetic Resonance Imaging) a scan that uses strong magnetic fields to make a picture of the inside of someone's body:

5 / 25


effects of medicine on your body in addition to curing pain:

6 / 25


Provide a protection against:

7 / 25


the technical equipment or machinery needed for a particular purpose:

8 / 25


to financially support a person or an event:

9 / 25


describing a limb or body part that is electronically powered:

10 / 25


the use of controlled amounts of radiation (a form of energy) to treat disease, especially cancer:

11 / 25


a mental illness the symptoms of which are problems with memory, personality changes and problems with reasoning:

12 / 25


trial to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of medications:

13 / 25


a medical instrument that uses radiography to produce images of the insides of the human body:

14 / 25


a physical problem that might indicate a disease:

15 / 25


arm or leg of a person:

16 / 25


a body part, such as an arm or a leg, connected to the main trunk of the body:

17 / 25


The act of making something bigger:

18 / 25


describing the area of medicine that deals with children and their illnesses:

19 / 25


someone who goes to a hospital for treatment but does not stay for the night:

20 / 25


a state of unconsciousness caused by a certain injury and that lasts for an extended period of time:

21 / 25


a piece of tissue, prosthetic device, or other object implanted in the body:

22 / 25


a small round piece of medicine to be swallowed whole:

23 / 25


an illness when a blood tube in your brain bursts or is blocked, resulting in the brain being unable to function normally:

24 / 25


an artificial body part:

25 / 25


made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally / the opposite of 'natural' :

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( عربي - English ) :Meanings of Unit 3

معاني الوحدة الثالثة

1 / 30

1. توسعة

2 / 30

2. العلاج بالأشعة

3 / 30

3. فحص الجنون / الخَرَف

4 / 30

4. زراعة الأعضاء

5 / 30

5. قرص دواء

6 / 30

6. سكتة دماغية

7 / 30

7. يأخذ مصلحة / يبدي اهتمامًا

8 / 30

8. طرف

9 / 30

9. عضو إضافي

10 / 30

10. يلتحق بدورة

11 / 30

11. أخصائي اطفال / طب الأطفال

12 / 30

12. غيبوبة

13 / 30

13. لفت الانتباه

14 / 30

14. الرنين المغناطيسي

15 / 30

15. تأثير جانبي

16 / 30

16. الحصول على فكرة / حضور فكرة

17 / 30

17. طرف صناعي

18 / 30

18. جهاز

19 / 30

19. يرعى

20 / 30

20. وظيفة

21 / 30

21. مريض غير مقيم

22 / 30

22. مسبب سرطان

23 / 30

23. دواء

24 / 30

24. فحص طبي

25 / 30

25. ماسح ضوئي للتصوير بالأشعة

26 / 30

26. أعراض مرض

27 / 30

27. ضد

28 / 30

28. صناعي

29 / 30

29. يقضي وقتًا

30 / 30

30. ذو أعضاء آلية

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معاني كلمات الوحدة الرابعة انجليزي انجليزي عربي للتوجيهي – امتحان محوسب لجيل 2006 و 2007

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