امتحان محوسب في مراجعة الوحدة 2 – Revision (Student’s Book 26 & 27) – اللغة الإنجليزية 11th

بنك أسئلة موضوعية / English / الصف الحادي عشر

سلسلة بنك أسئلة اللغة الإنجليزية بحسب الدرس للصف الحادي عشر
Revision (Student’s Book 26 & 27)
مكثف أسئلة محوسبة ✅ 🇯🇴 بحسب نظام التوجيهي الجديد


امتحان المراجعة 🇬🇧 الوحدة الثانية (Student’s Book 26 & 27)

(آخر 4 أسئلة هي أسئلة استماع 🔊)

1 / 35


Complete the sentences with the correct words.

 The weather is really weird. It’s ................ cold one minute and then ................ hot the next.

2 / 35


Complete the sentences with the correct words.

 A good way of reducing ................ emissions is to promote the production of electric cars, which don’t produce harmful exhaust ................ .

3 / 35


Complete the sentences with the correct words.

 Because of global warming, ................ weather conditions are more common with periods of drought followed by ................ rain.

4 / 35


Complete the sentences with the correct words.

 Below average rainfall can result in water ................ .

5 / 35


Complete the sentences with the correct words.

 Pollution in the atmosphere results in ................ rain.

6 / 35


Complete the sentences with the correct words.

 Soil ................ happens when the plants and trees that keep it in place are destroyed by the elements or man.

7 / 35


Complete the sentences with the correct words.

 The ................ heat caused the pavement to melt!

8 / 35


Complete the sentences with the correct words.

 Powerful wind ................ use wind power to create energy.

9 / 35


Look at the underlined expressions. Tick (✔) the correct ones, cross (✘) those that are wrong and correct them.

 I hope I’ll earn so much money by the time I’m 40 that I won’t need to work anymore.

10 / 35


Look at the underlined expressions. Tick (✔) the correct ones, cross (✘) those that are wrong and correct them.

 I hope I’ll earn so much money by the time I’m 40 that I won’t need to work anymore.

11 / 35


Look at the underlined expressions. Tick (✔) the correct ones, cross (✘) those that are wrong and correct them.

 This time next week, you are going to give your presentation about climate change but you won’t have finished yet!

12 / 35


Look at the underlined expressions. Tick (✔) the correct ones, cross (✘) those that are wrong and correct them.

 This time next week, you are going to give your presentation about climate change but you won’t have finished yet!

13 / 35


Look at the underlined expressions. Tick (✔) the correct ones, cross (✘) those that are wrong and correct them.

Some scientists think that by the end of the 21st century we will be discovering a cure to many serious illnesses so probably we are going to live a lot longer.

14 / 35


Look at the underlined expressions. Tick (✔) the correct ones, cross (✘) those that are wrong and correct them.

 Some scientists think that by the end of the 21st century we will be discovering a cure to many serious illnesses so probably we are going to live a lot longer.

15 / 35


Look at the underlined expressions. Tick (✔) the correct ones, cross (✘) those that are wrong and correct them.

By six o’clock, they will be working for 24 hours non-stop to clear up the damage caused by the flood. Extra help is certain to arrive soon.

16 / 35


Look at the underlined expressions. Tick (✔) the correct ones, cross (✘) those that are wrong and correct them.

 By six o’clock, they will be working for 24 hours non-stop to clear up the damage caused by the flood. Extra help is certain to arrive soon.

17 / 35


Complete the dialogues with the correct future forms of the verbs in brackets.

أجب على الفراغ 1

A: What are you up to later?
B: Well, I 1................ (hope) to fi nish my school project. After that, I 2................ (go) to the ‘Save the Planet’ lecture. I’ve arranged to meet everyone at 5 p.m.

18 / 35


Complete the dialogues with the correct future forms of the verbs in brackets.

أجب على الفراغ 2

A: What are you up to later?
B: Well, I 1................ (hope) to fi nish my school project. After that, I 2................ (go) to the ‘Save the Planet’ lecture. I’ve arranged to meet everyone at 5 p.m.

19 / 35


Complete the dialogues with the correct future forms of the verbs in brackets.

أجب على الفراغ 1

A: Are you ready yet? The guests 1................ (arrive) soon. It’s almost seven o’clock!
B: They 2................ (come) at eight, not seven.
Don’t panic!

20 / 35


Complete the dialogues with the correct future forms of the verbs in brackets.

أجب على الفراغ 2

A: Are you ready yet? The guests 1................ (arrive) soon. It’s almost seven o’clock!
B: They 2................ (come) at eight, not seven.
Don’t panic!

21 / 35


Complete the dialogues with the correct future forms of the verbs in brackets.

أجب على الفراغ 1

 A: What do you think of the new weather app?
B: I haven’t used it yet. I 1................ (give) it a try later on. Then I 2................ (let) you know.

22 / 35


Complete the dialogues with the correct future forms of the verbs in brackets.

أجب على الفراغ 2

 A: What do you think of the new weather app?
B: I haven’t used it yet. I 1................ (give) it a try later on. Then I 2................ (let) you know.

23 / 35


Complete the dialogues with the correct future forms of the verbs in brackets.

أجب على الفراغ 1

A: I 1................ (plan) to go to the lecture on the blobfi sh. What time 2................ it 3................ (start)?
B: At 2 p.m. So hurry up!

24 / 35


Complete the dialogues with the correct future forms of the verbs in brackets.

أجب على الفراغ 2

A: I 1................ (plan) to go to the lecture on the blobfi sh. What time 2................ it 3................ (start)?
B: At 2 p.m. So hurry up!

25 / 35


Complete the dialogues with the correct future forms of the verbs in brackets.

أجب على الفراغ 3

A: I 1................ (plan) to go to the lecture on the blobfi sh. What time 2................ it 3................ (start)?
B: At 2 p.m. So hurry up!

26 / 35


Complete the second sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the first one. Use between two and five words, including the word in bold.

The lecture is going to start soon. ABOUT
The lecture ................ .

27 / 35


Complete the second sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the first one. Use between two and five words, including the word in bold.

It's been so hot today that it’s very probable there will be a storm here. BOUND
It’s been so hot today that a storm ................ here.

28 / 35


Complete the second sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the first one. Use between two and five words, including the word in bold.

The bridge was closed because of gale force winds. TO
The bridge was closed ................ .

29 / 35


Complete the second sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the first one. Use between two and five words, including the word in bold.

It is probable global warming will be worse in 50 years. LIKELY
Global warming ................ in 50 years.

30 / 35


Complete the second sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the first one. Use between two and five words, including the word in bold.

We have arranged to meet on Thursday morning. PLANNING
................ on Thursday morning.

31 / 35


Complete the second sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the first one. Use between two and five words, including the word in bold.

Global warming has caused freak weather in many parts of the world. RISE
Global warming ................ freak weather in many parts of the world.

32 / 35


🔊 You are going to hear four short recordings. Read questions 1–4 and the possible answers. Then listen and choose the correct answer for each recording.

You are going to hear a radio weather forecast. What does the presenter announce?

33 / 35


🔊 You are going to hear four short recordings. Read questions 1–4 and the possible answers. Then listen and choose the correct answer for each recording.

You are going to hear two friends talking about something. What are they discussing?

34 / 35


🔊 You are going to hear four short recordings. Read questions 1–4 and the possible answers. Then listen and choose the correct answer for each recording.

You are going to hear a student talking to a teacher. Why did the student choose this volunteering project?

35 / 35


🔊 You are going to hear four short recordings. Read questions 1–4 and the possible answers. Then listen and choose the correct answer for each recording.

You are going to hear a young woman talking about a hobby. How does she feel about it?

Your score is


يُقدم لكم موقع جوكويز امتحان إلكتروني لأسئلة كتاب اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الحادي عشر / الفصل الأول / الوحدة الثانية / Revision / توجيهي 2008 (المنهاج الجديد) .

حل أسئلة Revision (Student’s Book 26 & 27)

يتكون الامتحان التجريبي المقترح من 35 سؤال, حيث تغطي هذه الأسئلة المحوسبة Revision من الوحدة الثانية الفصل الأول من المنهاج الجديد للصف الحادي عشر. وهي تشمل أسئلة كتاب الإنجليزي “Student’s Book” بنمط الأسئلة الموضوعية.

كيف تبدأ في هذا الكويز؟

  1. البدء بالاختبار عبر الضغط على زر “ابدأ الاختبار”.
  2. قراءة الأسئلة المقترحة واختيار الإجابة التي تعتقد أنها صحيحة.
  3. نتيجة لذلك سوف تظهر للطالب العلامة من 100 درجة في نهاية امتحان اللغة الإنجليزية الإلكتروني “المحوسب”، ونتيجته إذا اجتاز الاختبار أو لم يجتزه، مع كامل إجابات الأسئلة الصحيحة والخاطئة.
  4. مراجعة الأخطاء, وإعادة التركيز على نقاط الضعف التي ظهرت.

ولهذا النوع من الاختبارات ميزة كبيرة, إذ انها توفر على طلبة التوجيهي الجديد الاستعانة بأسئلة pdf من خارج المادة أو الدوسيات الورقية أو البحث عن بنك أسئلة اللغة الإنجليزية بدون اجابات أو أي من تلك الطرق القديمة والعقيمة؛

لذلك قمنا بإعداد هذه الأسئلة بناءً على أسئلة كتاب اللغة الإنجليزية “كتاب التمارين وكتاب الطالب” وإجاباتها النموذجية وقسمناها بحسب المعاني والمواضيع والقواعد والتمارين لتسهيل عملية المراجعة لجميع طلبة التوجيهي.

وبناءً عليه, تم إعداد هذا الامتحان الإلكتروني وفقًا للمنهاج الدراسي الجديد في المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية لمادة اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الحادي عشر المسار الأكاديمي.

بخلاف ذلك لا يطلب من طالب الثانوية العامة (النظام الجديد) إلا مراجعة الكتاب بالإضافة إلى هذه الأسئلة التي غَطت كامل الدرس, لأن المراجعة الفعالة مع تكرار حل هذه الأسئلة يَحول دون نسيانه أي معلومة.

JoQuiz يتمنى للجميع التوفيق في الامتحان القادم.

امتحان محوسب في اللغة الإنجليزية 11th – ف1 – الوحدة الثالثة – LESSON 1A

أسئلة اختيار متعدد للمُستوى الوزاري النظام الجديد

إعداد وتدقيق نخبة من المعلمين في مادة اللغة الإنجليزية (حصريًا لِـصالح جوكويز)

المَصادر: كتاب اللغة الإنجليزية الجديد الصف الحادي عشر لجيل 2008 “Jordan High Note – Student’s Book & Workbook – Pearson” / المركز الوطني لتطوير المناهج PDF

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